Sunday, June 24, 2018

Health is important

Health and work: The Balance.

It is often said that health is wealth meaning that it is when you are healthy that you can work and acquire wealth. 

So the question is, do you take care of your health? Or is it all about work? Do you listen to your body signs? If you do, good for you because you will live and acquire more wealth and enjoy it in good health. But if the reverse is the case, I'm so sorry for you because you may not live to enjoy what you are labouring for.

If you work yourself out and make all the money you needed to make but does not live in good health to enjoy it, it means that you have laboured in vain. So there should be a balance between work and health. Go for routine check-ups and discover any health challenge on time before it blows out of proportion. This is because if it is discovered on time, it can be cured or managed very well. If not, at a certain stage, even the money that you have been striving to make will not be able to save you. By then, of what benefit will it be for you since it will not be able to save you.

Think twice, a word is enough for the wise. Take care of those symptoms before they become something serious and know that your health is most important. 

Do not do that work if you are not healthy.

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